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GuzHealth Colon Cleanser - Eliminate Toxins, Colon Cleanse, Improve Digestion - 30-Day Supply - w/ Measuring Scoop
GuzHealth Colon Cleanser - Eliminate Toxins, Colon Cleanse, Improve Digestion - 30-Day Supply - w/ Measuring Scoop
GuzHealth Colon Cleanser - Eliminate Toxins, Colon Cleanse, Improve Digestion - 30-Day Supply - w/ Measuring Scoop
GuzHealth Colon Cleanser - Eliminate Toxins, Colon Cleanse, Improve Digestion - 30-Day Supply - w/ Measuring Scoop

GuzHealth Colon Cleanser - Eliminate Toxins, Colon Cleanse, Improve Digestion - 30-Day Supply - w/ Measuring Scoop

FiberDetox helps promote a healthier gut environment, boost digestion and nutrient absorption. Contains insoluble fiber, which doesn’t absorb water, speeds up the digestion process. In doing so, it helps your body get rid of waste even faster, before it can build up in your body and make you feel not-so-great. By helping to keep your gut microbiome in tip-top shape, our formula also contains fiber which also benefits your liver and kidneys. 

✔️ SUPPORTS DIGESTIVE HEALTH - Fiber promotes a healthy gut environment and helps boost digestion for a more efficient metabolism, better nutrient absorption

 ✔️ COLON CLEANSE - Along with a healthy diet and exercise program, a regular colon cleanse program can support weight management by optimizing digestion and metabolism

 ✔️ HOW TO TAKE- Take 30 minutes before each meal for optimal nutritional benefit

✔️ CONSTIPATION RELIEF: FiberDetox is specially formulated to relieve occasional constipation without cramping discomfort


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ALPIMILK Canary Seed Milk 14.1oz

ALPIMILK is canary seed powder ready to prepare. ALPIMILK renders more protein than the cow milk. It is lactose-free and great muscle anti-inflammatory, also helping clean the liver, kidneys and pancreas. ALPIMILK is a whole natural product with no artificial additives or flavors.

Directions: Blend or stir 2 tablespoons in 8oz of water twice a day before breakfast and before dinner. Keep this product always sealed in a cool place.    ALPIMILK es alpiste en polvo listo para preparar leche de alpiste. ALPIMILK provee más proteínas que la leche de vaca, sin lactosa y es efectivo como antiflamatorio muscular. Ayuda a limpiar los riñones, el hígado y el páncreas, por lo que es recomendado para personas diabéticas. ALPIMILK es un producto totalmente natural, sin saborizantes artificiales o aditivos químicos. 

Instrucciones: Mezcle o revuelva, 2 cucharadas en 8oz de agua dos veces al día. Bebiendolo antes del desayuno y antes de la cena. Mantener el producto sellado en un lugar fresco.  Mujeres embarazadas deben de consultar a un profesional antes de consumo del producto.
Pregnant or lactating women should consult a health professional before using this product.

guzhealth #Signsoflove

I love my carbs blocker

I take a pill before lunch and help me not get bloated. I enjoy using Carbs Block!

5 stars for Detox complete!

Detox Complete is simple to add to my daily routine. Just one serving helps me stay lean and detoxify my colon.

I lost fat but not muscle!

There is nothing like Detox Complete. I highly recommend it for those looking to stay on track while not going crazy on a diet or exercise.